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Filed under: Hazelden — sheila106 @ 7:59 pm


Naples, FL

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Information and Inspiration to Strengthen Recovery

Naples Community Hospital
Telford Auditorium
350 7th Street North
Naples, FL 

6:30 pm – Registration and beverages
7:00 pm – Presentation  FREE

Fred HolmquistMarch 16                    
Fred Holmquist – Twelve Step Recovery, the Path from Human Being to Spiritual Citizen
It is quite common for people to have many questions about Twelve Step meetings and the Twelve Steps themselves. It is also common to hear concerns suggesting brainwashing, cults and religiosity. This presentation focuses on elements and dynamics common to all human beings and highlights the special opportunities for growth that addiction presents to the sufferer and to those who have suffered with them. Learn of the important distinctions between “higher power” and “spiritual experience,” and gain a greater sensitivity to the perplexity of addiction and the simplicity of recovery. Fred Holmquist, B.A., director of the Lodge Program at Hazelden’sDan Anderson Renewal Center, has worked in the field of addiction recovery for 33 years. A popular educator, lecturer and consultant, Fred’s effectiveness with professional and lay audiences flows from a talent for translating the Twelve Step spiritual-change paradigm into equivalents from a breadth of philosophies, sciences, faith traditions and theologies to more pragmatic, day-to-day realities.  Register online by March 12.

April 7                       
Phil Oliver – The Longings of Our Hearts
As we read in the “Twelve by Twelve” there is a tendency to slight the Eleventh Step “as something not really necessary.” During this presentation, we will be looking at the importance of this aspect of recovery. Inherently, there is a longing in us for a deeper relationship with out Higher Power. Within a state of restlessness, irritability, and discontent, there is a longing for peace of mind that can be found in the stillness and silence at the core of every human being. Through prayer and meditation the experience of the unitive mystery is always available to us. Hopefully, in our spiritual journey we may continue to find “the Great Reality” deep within us. Philip Oliver is presently a Spiritual Care Counselor at Hazelden Springbrook in Newberg, Oregon. A retired United Church of Christ minister, he works with patients both in intensive residential and extended care. He also leads Spiritual Retreats for patients and alumni. He is a graduate of the University of Redlands, B.A.; the Pacific School of Religion, M. Div.; and the Jesuit School of Theology, D.Min.  No registration necessary.

Brenda Iliff, clinical directorMay 11
Brenda Iliff – Addiction and Recovery: Equal But Different
Addiction is not a respecter of persons yet it affects people in very different ways. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous told us back in 1939 that women’s progress is faster and now science is telling us why. Gender differences affect our path in addiction but also recovery. We look at some of the key differences of why men and women are equal but different. We start using for different reasons, become addicted differently, progress different, relapse for different reasons and recover in different manners. Brenda Iliff, M.A., L.A.D.C., is the clinical director at Hazelden’s Naples facility. Previously, she served as the clinical director of Hazelden’s Women’s Recovery Center in Center City, Minnesota and as the executive director of Hazelden’s Fellowship Club in St. Paul, Minnesota.  No registration necessary.

June 15
Michael DeMask – Living the Principles
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous gives us guiding principals that go with each step. Join us we take an in-depth look at Honesty, Hope, Faith, Courage, Integrity, Willingness, Humility, Compassion, Justice, Perseverance, Spiritual Awareness and Service. We’ll discuss how they apply to our sobriety and our social interactions with others. Michael DeMask, Ph.D., is the executive director of Hazelden’s facility in Naples. Prior to this position, he served as the dean of the Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies in Center City, Minnesota. Prior to joining Hazelden, DeMask held leadership positions in a variety of addiction treatment and recovery programs in Florida.  No registration necessary.

  If you have any questions please call us at 888-257-7810, ext. 4204 or 4429